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June 3, 2021

4 Times When Having General Liability Insurance is a Good Idea

Running a business isn’t always easy. There’s usually a great amount of risk associated with being your own boss. But, having a good amount of insurance protection usually helps keep losses to a minimum. Here are four times when having general liability insurance is a good idea. 
woman standing outside flower business
#1: When You Regularly Interact with Clients Face to Face 
One key instance where having a general liability insurance policy is important is when you regularly interact with clients face to face. This can be either at your business or at their home or workplace. Why? Freak accidents sometimes happen, no matter how careful you are. 

If there’s any sort of injury or property damage to the client, your insurance policy might be able to help. It can often cover medical bills or compensation for repairs that you would otherwise have to pay from business profits. 

#2: When Your Contract Requires You to Have General Liability Insurance 
In some cases, your contract with a client might even require you to have general liability insurance. This is especially true in B2B industries or those involving building maintenance, construction, consulting and more. Also, most major corporations require all contractors to carry liability coverage. Having this policy in force and ready to show makes it easier to fulfill your obligations and seal the deal. 

#3: When You Interact With or Have Access to a Customer’s Equipment or Property 
If you interact with or have access to a customer’s property, you need liability coverage. For example, an IT professional would need a policy to protect themselves against claims of broken equipment. A lawn maintenance firm would need coverage against damage to a client’s home or business. 

#4: When You’re an Independent Contractor or Represent Another Company 
There’s a lot of freedom that comes with being an independent contractor, but there’s also a lot of risk. If you work as a consultant or represent another firm as part of your daily activities, it’s important to cover all your bases by having a general liability policy. This ensures you have coverage if an issue arises with either the company you are working with or their clientele. 

You’ve worked hard to ensure your business is a success. Protect yourself from the unexpected by having a general liability insurance policy in force. 

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